Sparks (A Special Agent Novel Book 1) Read online

Page 25

  It didn’t, but I nodded anyway. I had no wish to be gagged again. The bright red ball of the gag spun around in circles inside my head, reminding me of the consequences of my actions.

  “Don’t worry, Lois. I won’t let you die on my watch.”

  That was all very well for him to say, but did I trust him?

  Grabbing Sharkey’s wrist in his left hand, he then delivered the next dose straight into her bloodstream. The needle went in smoothly and the plunger was depressed. I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t the sudden silence that permeated the room.

  James looked at me, and nervously, I returned his gaze.

  “Now we play, Lois.”


  “What is your name?” James’ voice was softer than usual, and it had a kinder lilt. I guessed he figured he didn’t have to try so hard after the poor woman was pumped full of drugs.

  “Elizabeth, Margaret, Sharkey.” Although Sharkey’s speech was still slow, there was no pause this time, and more importantly, no giggling.

  “What do you do for a living?” The second question came as smoothly as the first, and she answered it without hesitation.

  “I work for Cellular Operations. It’s nothing to do with mobile phones - it’s more of a front for undercover operations.”

  My eyes bulged as Sharkey began revealing all the pertinent details of our business. If this happened to me while under Alain’s roof, my life would be toast - very burnt, black, and un-recoverable toast.

  “What’s your role in the business?” The question seemed benign from James’s lips, but that one little question could do a whole world of damage in the wrong person’s hands.

  “I oversee day to day operations. My role involves a bit of accounting, plenty of meetings, and lots of reading. I always have my nose buried in an operative’s file.” Sharkey smiled up at him as she revealed all of her deepest, darkest secrets, and I believe she’d have happily told him her life’s tale had there been time.

  “What sort of operatives do you have at Cellular Operations?” James smiled and held her hand in his, gently rubbing it. I almost wanted to be her, until I realised that I would be her, very shortly, and I probably wouldn’t much like it.

  “Oh, all sorts. Some are assassins who take care of the wet work, then we have some who are good with computers, others with special areas of expertise, and some are just brilliant all-rounders.”

  “How about that one there. Is she one of your operatives?” He pointed at me on the floor, and Sharkey had to struggle upwards to see me, until James flicked his hand upwards, indicating that I should stand. I did so immediately. She’d already seen me naked, and I wasn’t about to waste time on embarrassment all over again.

  “Oh, that’s Lois. She’s one of our best operatives. If we can’t get the job done, we generally send Lois in and she’ll sort it out for us.” Praise indeed, I thought sourly.

  “How’s her performance been this year?”

  I opened my mouth, wanting to object, but James was ready for me. Waving the ball gag about just behind his shoulder, so Sharkey wouldn’t see, I found myself at an impasse. My jaw closed with an audible snap, as that seemed to be the only way I could vent my frustration.

  “Well, pretty good, up until her boyfriend died, of course. Understandably, her head hasn’t been much in the game since then.”

  “And what makes you think it is now?” James’s expression had turned serious, but Sharkey wasn’t looking at him. She was looking at me. I wondered if she was trying to figure out why I was naked, but she didn’t seem at all perturbed by the fact.

  “I’m not sure that it is, but I know that even if she isn’t at her best, she’ll still be one hundred percent above the rest. Her latest psyche evaluation came out clean, but Lois is smart. She’ll have already figured out how to get round a psychiatrist.”

  James paused in his questioning then, and turned on the bedside lamp.

  “Lois, would you turn out the lights please?” Walking over to the light switch, I couldn’t help but wonder what James was up to now. Was he trying to send us all to sleep? Obeying orders, I flipped the switch, plunging the room into semi-darkness. The lamp spread soft amber light across the room and gave everything a soothing, warm tone.

  “Elizabeth, do you find Lois attractive?”

  Letting out a shocked gasp, I had a dreadful suspicion that I knew where this line of questioning was going. James wouldn’t do that to me, would he? But I think I already knew the answer to that. Oh God, oh God, oh God.

  Elizabeth looked at me for a moment, and when I say looked, I mean really looked. When she finally cleared her throat to answer, I prayed for the answer to be ‘no.’ Yes would come with serious consequences, and no would be a blissful relief. What were the chances of my boss finding me attractive, anyway? Infinitesimal, I was sure. It would be wrong on so many levels, and I didn’t want to visit any of them.

  “Yes.” The softly spoken word came crashing down in my brain. It set off a few more alarm bells, and the headache that had been simmering just above my left eye suddenly exploded with full force.

  “She’s a very beautiful women,” Sharkey added as an afterthought, with a slow smile.

  Desperately wanting to place my head in my hands, I just about managed to keep them by my sides.

  “You’d noticed, huh?” The sarcasm rolled off James’s tongue, but Sharkey was oblivious to it. She was still staring at me, and it had almost gotten to the stage where I wondered if I had horns. Finally, James broke the tension in the room.

  “Would you like to kiss her?”

  “James!” I bleated. “Unfair! That’s suggestion and you know it.” The man had been deliberately provoking her. Whilst I had no idea what kind of drug he’d given her, she’d better hope it was the one that knocked your memory out dead. Otherwise, she was going to have a very interesting lesbian interlude to add to her already impressive resume.

  “Tut, tut, tut.” James repeated each of those three short words very slowly, and then pulled the gag out of his pocket with one neat tug. Dammit! This had been his plan all along. I wanted to scream. “Kneel by my feet, Lois, and open that delectable little mouth wide.”

  “You can’t do this,” I wailed. Unfortunately, he’d already proved on more than one occasion that he could. If the two of them were let loose on me, my will power was shortly going to vanish. Even though I had never had the urge to try girl-on-girl before, with James in the room, I was going to go up in flames.

  “Oh, I think you’ll find I can. Quickly now, Lois. You’re already at twenty swats, and this time I won’t be using my hand.” He lifted his head up and stared at me directly, as if daring me to object. Closing my eyes for a second, refusing to let him see the look of pain that crossed my eyes, I then slowly drifted towards him. It would all be over in a couple of hours, I told myself, and then I’d be one step closer to where I wanted to be. When I finally reached him, I sat back on my heels once more, opening my mouth wide, as instructed. The fear had thankfully gone. In its place was white-hot heat, and I was dripping wet.

  “Good girl.” He patted my head and then, without warning, gripped a fistful of my hair tightly. Pulling my head back sharply, watching as my mouth widened in shock, he slowly slotted the bright red ball into my mouth. The strap was then swiftly buckled behind my head. As Sharkey’s eyes continued to bore into mine, I found the humiliation of being seen like this almost too much to bear.

  “Now, where were we?” He stroked my cheek as he considered the matter. It simply fanned the flames and enraged me.

  “Elizabeth, would you like to get naked for Lois and me? Things will be much more fun if you’re naked.” James turned his head round and looked at her questioningly. He gently began fondling me between my legs, and then he used his hand to slowly push my head to the side so he could nibble my neck. Elizabeth didn’t stand a chance, and neither did I. The infernal man had me mewling and dribbling over him in no time at all. When he finally pul
led away, my hands were clutching at him, clinging on for dear life. I balled them into fists and cursed the day he’d entered my life.

  “Let’s watch Elizabeth strip together. You’ll probably want to get revved up for your spanking, right, Lois?” James gripped my hand and entwined my fingers in hers as if we were intimate lovers. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was playing at. If this was some kind of united front for Sharkey, the action was wasted. The woman was sky-high, and she wasn’t coming down any time soon.

  Patting the bed beside him, he indicated that I should sit by him. When I hesitated for a second, James simply hauled me up and turned my face with his hand so I was forced to admire the sexy striptease that was going on for our benefit. Scrap that, it was going on for James’s benefit. Sharkey was a red-blooded woman at heart, and I was nothing more than a passing diversion for her. Trying to sigh, but completely unable to because my mouth was stoppered, I let my gaze fall to the sight that was unfolding before us.

  Sharkey had now wriggled out of her black silk shirt, which wasn’t a great hardship - James had pretty much ripped the thing off her earlier. She was now trying to slither out of her jeans, but her co-ordination wasn’t what it once was. Fumbling around, trying to find her zipper, I almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

  “Lois, go help her.” The sexy undercurrent of James voice went straight to the parts that other voices couldn’t reach.

  Unable to answer, I shook my head no. This was all moving far too quickly for my liking.

  “Remember the promise you made to me last time I let you orgasm? You owe me, Lois, and not doing as you’re told will result in punishments. You already have more of those stacked up than you can handle.” When I didn’t budge from my seated position, James decided to use dirty tactics.

  “You need to do this, Lois. Girl-on-girl will be something you’re expected to do regularly at CB. If they sense that you don’t like it, they’ll make you do it all the more. So dip your toes in and get them nice and wet.”

  Whilst I knew he was speaking the truth, I still didn’t want to jump on up and get up close and personal with another woman’s lingerie.

  “Remember all those things on that limits list we have yet to try? There’s some corker’s on there, Lois. Let’s see… we could always try some more medical play, or perhaps some anal training. That could be fun, right, Lois?”

  James didn’t laugh as my feet began to straddle Elizabeth, although I suspect he might have gloated a bit. In the end, the threats hadn’t really been necessary. I’d known he was right about this being something I’d need to get under my belt. It appeared to be one of a long line in upgrades that needed to be applied to my sex life.

  As Elizabeth struggled with her trousers, a worried look crossed her face. She wasn’t used to dealing with uncoordinated fingers and fumbling thumbs. Her brain was trying to figure out what was wrong, but coming up blank. Whilst the wicked side of me could almost revel in her discomfort, there was also a part of me that wanted to erase the worry away and see if there was any way we could make this experience pleasurable for the both of us. As her fingers continued to try and work the fly of her jeans loose, I gently caressed her hands with mine before setting them gently at her sides. She made a couple of mewling sounds of distress, and I had an idea of how to soothe her. Feeling James’s eyes boring into the back of my head, I decided to give him the show he wanted. One day my life might depend on it, so it was probably time to see what I was made of. Realising that I wasn’t going to be able to give a very inspiring show without the use of my lips, I turned to James and pointed directly at my gag. He was a smart man. He’d get the message.

  “No way, Lois. I’m enjoying the peace and quiet immensely.” He grinned at me, so I knew we still had room for negotiation. I pointed at the gag again and blinked my eyes prettily.

  “What’s it worth, Lois? Are you willing to bargain?”

  Ahh, so that’s what this was about. Things were beginning to slot into place nicely. After every obstacle he threw at me was accomplished, there seemed to be a mountain just around the corner.

  “Well, off you go, Lois. I must say, I think I’m almost looking forward to this.” James motioned with his hand for me to continue. There was just one small problem with that. I was still gagged. Since when had James ever made anything easy for me? Eyeballing him rather unpleasantly, I took a moment to calm down and think the challenge through. Seriously, this was child’s play considering some of the things I’d had to do in the past. Something would come to me.

  Think, Lois, think. What would James want from you? And then it hit me. There was something I very much wanted to do. Hopefully James wouldn’t be as averse to the idea this time, and now I was more than prepared to beg for my supper – especially if it meant getting the use of my voice back. Patting Sharkey softly on the cheek, I let her know I’d be back to finish what I’d started very shortly with a wink.

  My next move was to push James’s chair back a little, which enabled me to kneel on the floor at his feet. Looking up him, unafraid to meet those icy blue eyes for a change, I placed a hand on each of his knees. A little anticipation wouldn’t hurt – would it? Then, without warning, I nuzzled my gagged mouth into his crotch. He’d get the idea. Running the top of the silicone ball I wore up and down a surprisingly hard member, I felt rather proud of myself as it jumped underneath my touch. Maybe he wasn’t quite as immune to me as I’d previously thought. After several passes up and down his groin, where I alternated with a feather light touch before pressing myself against him very firmly, I paused and waited for his verdict.

  “Don’t stop on my account,” he said cheekily.

  Making a large annoyed sound in my throat, I gave him ‘the look,’ though he didn’t seem much bothered by it. Following that up with an aggravated sigh, I began using the tips of my fingernails to torment him, and if several of my nails dug in a little deeper than they should, that was his problem. Eventually, he took pity on me.

  “Is this your way of saying you’d like to suck my cock after all?”

  I nodded vehemently. Now was no time for beating about the bush.

  “Ahh, the proposition is lovely, Lois, but you know I want a little bit more than that.”

  Damn the man! He was really trying his best to make my life as difficult as possible. Pointing with both hands to my gag, I then threw them up in the air. Why did he have to make this so hard? Knowing exactly what he wanted, I tried to figure out a way to get the message across to him. It didn’t take me long to come up with something.

  Cupping both my hands together, I held them out in front of me, as if begging for alms. It was the only thing I could think of that would get the idea of what he wanted across.

  “So you are prepared to beg?” His eyes widened in surprise, though I didn’t know why that should be. He was an attractive man, and sucking his cock wouldn’t be a hardship. Hell, I might even enjoy myself. “Then I’ll look forward that later.” Leaning forward in his chair, he brushed his fingers through my hair before reaching down to unfasten the buckle of the leather strap. He didn’t hurry, and for that my hair roots were thankful, but when the gag was finally pulled free of my lips with a large sucking pop, I felt nothing but relief.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I whispered, my head down and my eyes to the floor. I was learning.

  “You’re welcome. Now get back there and finish what you started, Lois. I find myself very keen to watch, knowing what my reward will be afterwards.” With a light tap on my backside, he shooed me off the floor.

  Uh oh. Now I had to give him the show he was expecting. Guess I’d better make it a good one. As I climbed back on the bed, I wondered if panic would overtake me. Whenever I ventured into the unknown, there was always a fifty-fifty chance that this might be the case, but for some reason I was completely calm. It was probably due to the fact that my body was desperately excited by James’s teasing, and I was prepared to do almost anything that involved naked body contact.

; Straddling Sharkey again, I said, “Need a hand?” The poor woman had given up all pretence of trying to strip, and her eyes were beginning to droop. Whatever James had given her, it looked like it had sedative effects thrown in.

  “Am I allowed to let her sleep?” Having a rough idea of what the answer was, I still thought it best to be sure.

  “If you do, your technique is abysmally bad and we’ll have to work on it all night. Then, when she wakes up tomorrow morning, we can go through this all again.”

  Rolling my eyes at the big bad monster, who looked thoroughly entertained by my antics, I decided I could put off the inevitable no longer. It was time to pop my girl-on-girl cherry.

  As Sharkey’s jeans were currently around her ankles, a single tug at both heels freed them easily. I let them fall to the floor behind me, uncaring of where they landed. Running the tips of my fingers gently over the smooth soles of her feet, I laughed when I found out she was ticklish. Somehow, her soft laughter erased most of the tension in the room, and I became a bit bolder. Using the tips of my fingers, I gently ran them up the inside of her legs, and when I reached her lacy black panties, I let the heat of my breath tease her.

  James didn’t leave me alone, of course. “Seduce her, Lois. Find out exactly what makes her tick, light her up, and send her flying. You’ve got to make them want it. Get her head in the game, and everything else will be easy. There’s eight billion people on this earth, Lois. You’ve got to make her feel as if she’s the only one you’d ever want to fuck.”

  His words didn’t stop there, but I tuned them out. If I was going to do this properly, I needed to concentrate, and James was a distraction. There was a simple solution to the problem. I needed to start talking dirty. It would hopefully shut him up, and turn her on at the same time. Here goes nothing, I thought.

  “Elizabeth,” I purred, letting my lips touch her sex. “Have you ever had sex with a woman?” My voice was bold, and I sounded sure of myself. Good.