The Velvet Caress Read online

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  'This one has been a very naughty girl and was working for Jen's father whilst in my employ. She had me drugged and tortured, amongst other things, and I'd like someone to pump her for information.' If I emphasised the word 'pump' for effect, did that make me truly evil?

  'What am I allowed to do to her?' You could almost hear the excitement in Leyland's voice. He was like a kid in Willy Wonka's sweet shop.

  'Whatever the hell you like, but I draw the line at anything permanent, as do you, if I remember correctly.'

  He laughed. 'That still leaves me plenty of scope, Matthews.'

  'You'll need it. I don't think she'll talk easily.'

  It was probably for the best. I wasn't in the right frame of mind to tackle Marianna at the moment. I'd end up doing something I would regret and I had enough on my mind as it was. There were two reasons I'd decided to ask Leyland. One was that he was just as ruthless as I was, and would stop at virtually nothing to get the job done. Reason number two was that Marianna might distract his attention away from my wife. I had a feeling Leyland had developed a soft spot for her, if he had any soft spots, which was questionable. Perhaps 'unhealthy obsession' was a better term? Or was I just being paranoid?

  'Would you mind if I dropped in on Jen as soon as she's feeling a little better?' he asked, completely changing the subject. It appeared my paranoia gene was just fine after all.

  'She's not able to have visitors at the moment, but yes, when she's feeling better you can pop over.' No way are you seeing my wife without my being in the same room, Leyland. I smiled darkly to myself.

  'So you are in love with her?' He sounded mightily pissed. Good.

  'Leyland, don't push your luck. There are plenty of single women in the world, go find your own girl to marry.' He snorted, clearly thinking as much of marriage as I had, and then we drew the call to a close. It was perfect timing as it happened. Fountaine Bleu had just come into view.

  Walking briskly towards the lift, I was in my shower less than two minutes later. Staying under the hot spray for much longer than necessary I replayed the events of the last two days over and over in my head. Why did Redcliff need my money so badly? Whichever way I looked at them the dots did not add up, and I knew I was missing something. Perhaps Leyland would discover something when he questioned Marianna, or hopefully when Jen woke up she might be able to shed some more light on the situation. If she woke up. Even if she did wake up, there was no guarantee she would be okay. The poison could have wreaked havoc with her body, and the doctors had already mentioned that it was better to prepare myself for the worst. Grabbing a towel I slammed the shower door shut. I didn't want to think about worst-case scenarios. I'd go crazy if she ended up irreparably damaged because of me. I was the one that deserved to suffer here, not her. Please not her, I whispered to myself.

  Towelling myself dry, I then sank face first into my bed. The monochrome tones of my room were oddly soothing, as I lay there lost in my head. Misery, frustration and rage all clawed for my attention, but in the aftermath of my shower they had all been beaten into submission for the time being, although I was well aware they would shortly return.

  The shrill tone of my cell snapped me out of any possible attempt at sleep, but as the chance had been a slim one I wasn't too upset. So, who could this mysterious caller be? Ten to one it was Sophia ringing about my earlier offer, now deciding she wouldn't mind grinding me under her spike heels after all.

  Groping around on the bedside table I found my cell and rolled over, blinking a couple of times to refocus my eyes. Sure enough it was Sophia, but I ended the call before she got a chance to leave a message on my answerphone. It would piss her off, and I wanted her in that kind of mood for what I had in mind. Shaking my head wryly I wondered what I was letting myself in for. I'd been calling the shots for so long I'd almost forgotten what it felt like to be the one squirming around on the floor. Maybe it would do me some good to learn how to be humble once again. These days I got my own way far too much, and I almost took it for granted. The thing was, you couldn't take life for granted, it was precious and you had to savour each and every day you were given as if it were your last.

  Propelling myself to my feet I gathered a robe and tied the belt securely around my waist. Padding through to the kitchen in my bare feet, I decided to treat myself to the first cup of decent coffee I'd seen in days. Although I wanted to suffer this evening, I wasn't that much of a masochist that I needed to add caffeine withdrawal symptoms to my list. The first whisper of coffee under several bars of pressure was enough to have me salivating, and I'd snatched the cup away before the machine had even finished its delivery. To hell with the mess, I didn't care any more. Lounging on the sofa, I then channel hopped in abandon with no real hope of finding anything decent to watch. There was zero chance of me concentrating, in any case. Finally picking up my phone, I dialled the hospital and waited to be put through to the nurse's station.

  'Could I have an update on Jennifer Matthews please?' I asked. The name didn't feel quite as strange upon my tongue as it had a couple of days ago and I suspected that I'd get quite familiar with it in the upcoming weeks - with any luck.

  'Of course, Mr Matthews. Bear with me just one second while I go and check with her doctor.' Music then flooded my ears as I was put on hold. Although the telephone call was a futile one I had to reassure myself one more time that Jennifer was okay. What I wouldn't have given, just to hear the sound of her voice again. My right arm or whichever damn limb she pleased was up for grabs. Don't die on me. I've just discovered I'm in love with you, so please don't die on me.

  'Mr Matthews?' It was the nurse again.

  I cleared my throat and responded with a hopeful, 'Yes?'

  'There's been no change since you were last here, I'm afraid, but I promise we'll keep you updated. As soon as she wakes up you'll be the first to know, although we don't expect that to be soon. Try to get some rest if you can.'

  'I'll try my best, and thank you for the update.' After the pleasantries were finished I ended the call. She was still alive. I had to be content with that for the time being.

  As soon as I set my phone down it immediately began to vibrate, which startled the hell out of me, and I grinned ruefully as I found out it was Sophia yet again. Sucking in a deep breath I let it ring four times and then answered the call.

  'Good afternoon, Sophia,' I said pleasantly enough.

  'Mark, you are an utter bastard.'

  Tell me something I don't already know, I thought ruefully.

  'I am?' I asked innocently.

  'Do you still want to play?' Her voice was deep, raw and sexy, and it sent tremors of fear and excitement through me.

  'It's probably not a good idea,' I said truthfully, but this was mostly to wind her up. Good idea or not, I very much wanted to play. I wanted to be at the hands of someone who would show me no mercy, no matter how much I screamed, and Sophia, in the right frame of mind, was that woman.

  'It isn't, and if I was any kind of decent Domme I'd say no.' The sexual undercurrent in her voice sent sparks of desire straight down to the parts that mattered. Fuck. Life wasn't meant to be easy, was it? Being dominated was a part of my life I thought I had put behind me long ago, but yet here I was, actively seeking to recreate my past, and excited by the prospect.

  'Then say no,' I drawled. Although my tone suggested I didn't give a shit either way, I was going to be pissed if she said no. It was unlikely, especially after she'd taken time out of her day to chase my cell phone twice, but you just never knew with Sophia.

  'Will I ever get this chance again if I do?' She was thrilled about the prospect of having me on my hands and knees. I could hear it in her voice. Once upon a time we were good together, she and I.

  'I think you already know the answer to that question,' I replied. It wasn't up for negotiation, either. This was a one-time deal and she could take it or leave it.

  'What will you do if I say no?' I could almost see her running her finger along her lip
as she said it, trying to convince herself to refuse me. I almost wished she would, because then I'd have to think long and hard whether to take this any further, though she didn't need to know that.

  'Get what I want elsewhere.' That was doubtful, to be honest. Although I had the contacts it would require too much effort on my part to put things in motion, and I wanted this tonight or not at all. I suspected I'd feel very differently in the morning.

  'That's what I thought.' She sighed prettily and I smiled. Her mind was already made up, but she wanted me to wait for her answer. That was fine by me. She was the one in charge, for tonight at least. 'Meet me at my place at seven. Your ass is mine for six hours. That's the deal, take it or leave it.'

  Ah, the sweet taste of victory. Whilst it tasted like honey on my tongue now, tomorrow morning the taste would be more like acid. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

  Knowing better than to try and negotiate with Sophia I merely said, 'See you at seven,' before cutting the call dead.

  Chapter Five - Jennifer's Mother

  Seeing your daughter fighting for her life in intensive care is something no parent should ever have to see. It was all the more heart breaking for me as I hadn't actually set eyes on her in person in well over ten years. That was my fault, not hers, but I still felt the loss keenly. Watching your daughter grow up from afar is a painful experience, but I'd made my ex-husband a promise that I needed to honour.

  Holding Jennifer's heavy cold hand, I brought it to my lips and kissed it, inhaling her scent. All those years I had missed. What must she think of me now? That I'd abandoned her? Of course she would think that. In her eyes I would now be a monster and there would be no changing that fact. Parents do not walk out on their children and expect to waltz back into their lives several years later and be welcomed with open arms. In any case, that wasn't even an option. Pressing my lips into her deathly cold cheek I ruffled her hair gently and then stroked her head.

  Although I didn't know the particulars of how she ended up here, I could guess. From what I could gather Michael had blackmailed Mark Matthews into marrying my daughter, and that hadn't sat well with the man. If my sources were to be believed, Mark Matthews had been brought to his knees rather unpleasantly in order to be convinced into marriage, and it appeared he had wanted the ultimate revenge. To a certain extent I sympathised with his plight, but I couldn't allow him anywhere near my daughter again. He would have to be disposed of, one way or another. Trust Michael to pick an extremely rich man for a husband. This wasn't something I was going to be able to bury under the carpet. A fuss was going to ensue if he suddenly disappeared without a trace, so I'd have to be more creative than normal.

  Michael would also have to be dealt with. What had he been thinking? In a year or two Jennifer would have so much money she would be richer than Croesus. She didn't need any man's money, and she certainly didn't need to marry for status. Perhaps Michael had aspirations that I wasn't aware of, but he certainly wouldn't be forcing my daughter into another loveless marriage. I'd have thought he would have already learned his lesson the hard way, but it appeared I was wrong.

  Shaking my head at this ridiculous situation, I wanted nothing more than to turn back the clock and have my chances all over again. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible. What I could do was clean up the mess that was all around me. At least I was good at that.

  Chapter Six - Mark

  How do you go from sadist to masochist in the blink of eye? I wasn't sure I understood it myself, but I knew this much: tonight had to happen. The weight of the world was on my shoulders and I needed relief, if only for a few hours. Did I expect the big guy upstairs would see my suffering and take pity on me? No, but one could hope, right?

  In all seriousness this was probably selfishness on my part, but Jen had suffered so much in such a short time under my hands that I felt the need to atone, and I couldn't think of a better way. If Jen had been awake I'd have asked her to do it, because it was only fair she got a chance to get her own back, but I needed to face facts. There was a chance that Jen might never wake up. There were no guarantees when your body was in the ICU and filled with several yards of plastic tubing. So, I would atone for my sins with Sophia this evening, and hope that Jen might stay alive long enough to sate her revenge with me another day.

  Fuck. What if she woke up and refused to have anything to do with me? How did I handle that? And now I knew I was in love with her, what happened if the sentiment wasn't returned? Be reasonable, Mark. How could she love you? What could you have possibly done that could have made you anything less than a monster in her eyes? Putting my head in my hands, I realised I needed Sophia now more than ever. This was a mess I would never untangle.

  Glancing up at the clock I realised I had a little under an hour until our date, if you could call it that. Dragging my body up off the couch, which was an almost inhuman effort in itself, I decided I'd better feed myself. As I suspected I'd be screaming my lungs out later, whilst at the very limits of my endurance, I couldn't go there on an empty stomach. Thankfully my housekeeper had left some fresh soup in the fridge, which was about all I could tolerate right now. Shoving it in the microwave, I cut myself a couple of slices of bread. My head was going into meltdown. So many thoughts clamoured for my attention, I wondered if I'd ever be able to separate them in order to give each the attention it deserved. Maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow was another day.

  Finishing the soup in short order, I flicked through my closet and tried to figure out what I should wear for a date where I was expected to be naked for the most part. There was no need to debate long and hard over it, at least. A suit was out of the question. I wouldn't be able to put it back on tomorrow after Sophia had finished with me. Maybe just some slacks and a sweater. They would be easy enough to get into in the morning. A pair of slip-on loafers would be a good choice, too. I wouldn't have to bend down to put them on, and that would be an important factor after tonight's games, I suspected.

  Taking a trip down memory lane was almost inevitable as I began dressing myself. Once upon a time I'd have been frantic with nerves at the prospect of serving Sophia for the evening. I'd also have been filled with resentment. It was probably why she'd toyed with me for so long back then, when she usually went through men like underwear. She enjoyed the fact that I'd been coerced into serving her, and the idea that I had not come willingly was a major turn on for her. I guess it was like everything in life. If things came too easily the element of fun was lost. I never gave her exactly what she wanted, and this proved to be a challenge she relished. We would butt heads frequently, and she made it her mission in life to make sure she always got the upper hand. I made her work for the privilege, of course. Whilst I might have been green back then, I was no fool. Sex was all about the chase, and making sure she never had quite what she wanted served me well. Our bedroom relationship might have been fraught with tension and torment, but our business relationship thrived. She went out of her way to teach me everything she knew, and let me tell you; the woman was a veritable mastermind. She also had contacts nearly everywhere around the globe. Powerful contacts that could make or break you. I owed Sophia a hell of a lot, but she made sure she extracted her pound of flesh. At the end of our relationship I almost looked forward to our meetings. It was kind of like a personal test, seeing how much agony I could endure at her very beautiful and talented hands.

  We continued this way until one day I suddenly decided it was time I make it on my own. There were several reasons for the break. In my own strange way I enjoyed my submission, but I didn't want to rest at someone's feet for the rest of my life. I wanted to be the one in charge. I wanted to call the shots. Most of all, I wanted to be my own boss, so that's what I did. Once my mind was made up, there was no going back.

  I allowed myself one final session with Sophia because I figured it would be the easiest way to tell her I was moving on. No words needed to be spoken. All I did was obey her every command without question. It shocked the hell out of her
at first, but it didn't take very long before the penny dropped. I remember the look on her face quite clearly, even now. She had been heartbroken and very emotional, though she would never let me see her tears. Instead, she had foregone her session to make love to me, before wishing me well on my journey ahead. It was a bittersweet gift. She didn't love me, but I was so in love with her back then it nearly broke me. How I ever managed to walk away and stay away was beyond me, but eventually I got over her. Like most things, all it required was time. At least I wouldn't have anything like that to worry about tonight. There was only one person who could break my heart now, and there was a good chance she might snap it in two and leave such a bloody mess that it could never be put back together again. Think positive. She'll be okay. She has to be okay. It was one thing to think it, but another thing entirely to believe it.

  I rang Sophia's doorbell exactly five minutes later than I should have. Once upon a time I'd have been quaking in my boots for being this late, and it was probably her influence that now had me early for nearly all my appointments. Still, she wouldn't miss my meaning.

  She made me wait, of course. It was to be expected. I'd put on a warm sweater just in case her wrath decided to leave me here for half an hour, but as it was I was only left to twiddle my thumbs for a couple of minutes. When the door finally opened she almost made me jump.


  Hearing her imperious voice so very close almost made me shudder, but I quelled the reaction. I refused to let her rattle me so soon.

  'Mistress. How delightful it is to see you again.' I wasn't lying, either. Sophia looked utterly resplendent in a floor length, jade green, Oscar de la Renta gown. It flowed forth in a waterfall style and was exquisitely embroidered with cream silk across the neck and shoulders.

  'Let's dispense with the crap, Mark. We're taking tea before I decide if the fun and games should commence, so follow me.'